Contact information

  • Address: Lafkos
  • Postal code (ZIP): 370 06
  • City/Location: Pelion
  • Phone: +306974659613
  • Fax: +302423065532


The property is located in the village of Lafkos, in the south of Mount Pelion, in the region of Thessaly.  You can reach the property in the following ways:

By plane:

Volos Airport:

You will need to rent a car. The distance from Volos Airport is 74 km (approx. 1h driving)

For more information visit the official airport website:

For car rental in Volos visit

Athens Airport:

You can rent a car. The distance from the Athens Airport is 375 km (approx. 4h 50min. driving)
Or you can take a train or bus from Athens to reach Volos, and rent a car from Volos.

For rail & bus service connecting Athens to Volos you can book here (select "Rail" or "Ktel Bus" respectively):

Thessaloniki Airport:

You can rent a car. The distance from the Thessaloniki Airport is 257 km (approx. 3h 30min. driving)
Or you can take a train or bus from Thessaloniki to reach Volos, and rent a car from Volos.

For rail & bus service connecting Thessaloniki to Volos you can book here (select "Rail" or "Ktel Bus" respectively):

By boat:

Patras Port:

You can rent a car. The distance from the Patra Port is 346 km (approx. 6h 10min. driving)
Or you can take a train or bus from Patras to reach Volos, and rent a car from Volos.

Igoumenitsa Port:

You can rent a car. The distance from the Igoumenitsa Port is 346 km (approx. 6h 10min. driving)
Or you can take a bus from Igoumenitsa to reach Volos, and rent a car from Volos.